
`zmv` Is Awesome

    BEHOLD! I have awaken from my year-long slumber to grace ye feeble peasants with glorious and other such wondrous things.

    Today, I'd like to shed light on a rather interesting little program: `zmv`. Included with the Z shell, or "zsh", `zmv` allows the user to move files and folders neatly about by following simple-to-use patterns. For example, let's say I've just downloaded an album off of LimeWire with its files in the format of "Artist name - Album title - Track # Track name.flac". It would be rather time-consuming to individually rename each and every file to the desired format of "Artist/Album/# Track.flac", no?

    With `zmv`, I simply need to run `zmv '(*) - (*) - (*)' '$1/$2/$3'`, and shabam-a-lama! My files have moved to perfectly organized directories and subdirectories. How wonderful! How superb!

    And with that, I'm off again. See you all in 2021, I suppose.

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