Hey all. I bought an Apple Thunderbolt Display to go with my non-Apple desktop computer because I am stupid.
It didn't work, obviously. Who would have guessed the Apple display wouldn't work with non-Apple hardware! (I say, having created multiple hackintoshes.)
So I did some reading. Turns out this has been an issue for years. After quite a bit of searching, I read that one person had success after flashing a custom Thunderbolt firmware.
After some "trial and error," including breaking a SOIC8 clip, I finally managed to get this "custom firmware" flashed to my Z390 DESIGNARE.
(EDIT: Oh yeah, I should mention. `flashrom` wasn't able to detect the ROM with just the SOIC8 clip attached, nor with Ethernet attached as well. I had to plug the ATX power cable in, and turn the PSU on (though not the PC). I also kept the Ethernet cables plugged in. Then I was able to read the chip and successfully flash the custom firmware.)
But, you see, the Z390 requires a DisplayPort input from a dedicated GPU to use a display over Thunderbolt - or an iGPU, which I do not have.
The GPU I was using with the DisplayPort port required for that recently became no longer viable, as the PCIe 6-pin to 8-pin adapter I was using burned itself up.
Go figure.